Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Weightlifting Tips Specifically For Football Players

As an ex-collegiate and NFL player, I do a lot of my success on the field attribute in countless hours I spent in the weight room per week. This article, along with 10 others go to look at every young and aspiring soccer players in the kind of lifting and conditioning that is required to give a great player. Much of the information that I want shares was taught to me by a number of excellent strength and conditioning coach, I consider it myResponsibility to pass this information to help any young player to take their game to the next level.

Making Weight lifting is an integral part of personal daily and weekly preparation is a must for every young player dreamed it in the Division I or the NFL. Much of it is with what I do not like to call "The Other Guy Syndrome." Each player, Pop Warner in the NFL has to play "The Other Guy", both during the daily practice and in the week in every game.The "Other Guy" is preparing as hard or harder than you fight and dominate YOU. Therefore, you should always think in order to do so during the off season and in pre-season, "What can I do to better prepare to beat me to the 'Other Guy'? "A critical aspect of this preparation is the manner in which you prepare yourself in the weight room.

In this article, you will be with 5 points, the memories and important information that are presented to you in total control of the support"Other Guy".

# 1 You do not lift weights most be the best

A big mistake for most young athletes today is that they bench press, squats and back General Elevator much weight as a great player. This kind of thinking is completely false in the game today. Be strong physically and play hard are two different things. or example, while playing at Utah State University, I had a left tackle, was 6'9''und weighed 330Pounds. He was a very, committed to increasing f and spent much time in the weight room, there were Linebackers, running backs and wide receiver on the team that could lift him out of 50-100 kg in bench press and squat, more than 100 lbs . than he. Does this mean he was not a good football player because he is not stronger than a running back 130 kg lighter than him? NO!

On the football field, he would absolutely destroy people. He would drivedefensive purposes in the ground and complete "pancake" Linebackers regularly. Shear strength weightlifting had nothing to do with his dominance. He was in a position to do much of it is based on technology and the maximum personal strength. No matter how much he he could not so much how much of the team. But he was very strong for his stature and build.

The key principle here is that you are as hard as your potential allows to be driven by you. Be so strongphysically as you can. Do not worry about the other guy, or how much they are lifted. Your body is different than anyone else on this planet. Workout, allowing you to maximize your abilities. If you take too much in one sentence or work out trying to lift, you will be more to be less than you would think it makes you stronger. Always remember this tip: Just training with an amount of weight that it is difficult but not impossible, every rep is a lot to do!

# 2 Your stroke should be slow and fluid

Another common mistake to make a young athlete, if they lift weights, it is to move the bar and the weight too fast. I know that sounds a bit strange, but the weight has to increase less rapidly in order to move your body as the weight slowly.

The first thing you should do if you are sure to feel that moving the bar and the weight too quickly, that the waiver of the right quantity> Weight. Sometimes you may need to put more weight on the counter. However, be careful, do not put so much weight on the bar, you can not use all of the repetitions is set, and you need to do.

Further, the downward movement of each repetition are three seconds long, for example, 'ONE thousand thousand TWO, THREE Thousand. Between 2 and 3 Seconds and you start moving the bar upward. This counting method, you give your muscles the necessary amount ofTime to its maximum power to increase strength. Be careful when each repetition of each set rather than the use of this counting method, and not even work up a sweat, you need to increase the weight amount. However, if you only part of the repetitions can, of course you have to take off some weight.

# Do not sit down 3 to pause between sentences

This concept was taught to me while I was playing at the University of Wyoming. Many power andAir conditioning coaches call this the "Activities". Actually, it's a simple principle, it is a way to train your body to rest and catch sat down without breathing. For example, think over the course of a long offensive drive, or a defensive stand during a game, not the trainers or coaching staff to bring chairs and benches to rest on in between plays. They crowd who called in during playback is in.

In essence, this technology is an opportunity to the body during the preparationduring the course of a game. It is easy, but you will notice increased stamina and faster recovery when walking and standing around in between sets.

# 4 Be patient. Results take time.

I'm sure many of you have worked at some point and made a series of push-ups and immediately went looking in the mirror if your muscles have already grown. Unfortunately, after I in the mirror, you will immediately notice no change has actually occurred, and the courage to quit and then. Believe meThis also has happened to me when I was younger. But that would by my development through the high school and college professionals, I came only through strict commitment and perseverance to realize, I can see results.

For most programs, and even lift that is shared on this website, increase strength and muscle mass, you must note completely into the program for at least 6 weeks without a single dedicated training. For example, if you look at the Olympic athletes begin to weighPreparing months in advance to achieve personal bests in certain lifts. They know they can not more by just lifting a week, then maxing. It is only by strict obedience from a work done, planning and deployment to the end.

# 5 is for weightlifting Year Round

Unfortunately, many young athletes are concentrating on lifting weights only during the season and part of the focus off season too. Sometimes it lastsrecover one months free ", or they will remain until the official program of the off-season does not begin in the summer. This form of thinking and mentality is very dangerous if a player wants is to be great.

Weightlifting has many forms, strength, construction, maintenance and restoration. All three cycles should be used annually. Through personal experience I recommend that you no longer than 1 week should repeal all of 6 months. No matter what situation you shouldmore strength training.

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